A Course in Miracles is a unique, universal proposition, self-study Negro spiritual mentation system of rules that teaches the way to Love and Inner Peace through Forgiveness. The course is comprised of three sections: the Text, the Workbook for Students, and the Manual for Teachers. Each section presents concepts in a model designed to take you from a put forward of to one of greater public security, love, and sympathy. david acim.
A Course in Miracles, originally promulgated in 1975, is devoted to thought process reversal and mind healthful. Its teachings focalise on animated away from fear and towards love. This shift in perspective leads to a unsounded sympathy of our own nature. The text encourages us to use its principles as a way of removing the blocks that stand in the point of our awareness of love’s presence.
The Text introduces the hypothesis upon which the Course is based. It uses’Christian’ terminology but incorporates damage from east spiritual philosophies and psychological science as well. This unique combination is used to draw how we ourselves from Divine Love and how we can bring back to it. Although it presents an intellectual framework, it also emphasizes that the bookman must undergo the concepts conferred to truly understand them.
The Workbook for Students, with its 365 lessons, provides exercises premeditated to shift your mentality and guide you towards Negro spiritual enlightenment. The lessons supply a practical go about to achieving a state of mindfulness and peace. Like the text, it emphasizes experiencing the insights conferred rather than intellectually sympathy them.
The Manual for Teachers, aimed at those considering themselves as potential teachers of the Course, addresses the ten characteristics needful to become effective guides for others. It consolidates how to transplant these teachings to others and how to experience advanced stages of spiritual waking up.
A Course in Miracles has profoundly impacted the lives of millions of people worldwide. Its philosophy transcends religions and is based on universal Negro spiritual themes. Embracing the teachings of the Course can bring about profound change in both personal and professional person life. It offers a way of seeing the world that brings about public security to those who struggle with life’s seeming difficulties. It is a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation, a journey of take back to our true Self.